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technical control中文是什么意思

用"technical control"造句"technical control"怎么读"technical control" in a sentence


  • 工艺控制
  • 技术管理
  • 技术管制
  • 技术控制


  • Technical control center
  • The influence factors for blasting technical controlled by tiny differences in the open air quarry
  • From the point of concert technical control , it refers to the ways to control the key points in m & a
  • The system uses the exchange frequency conversion technical control dynamometer work , provided the load or absorbed energy for the measured engine
  • Competition is managed by the ocog competition managers , while the technical control and direction of the competition is the responsibility of the relevant international federation
  • Conclusion : we should connect the control of mechanism with the technical control , connect the regulation control and organization control , then , we can reduce the risk of m & a to the acceptable range
  • In hardware , the vacuum circuit breaker breaking circuit factores monitoring device is composed of technical controling computer and dates collection card . the structure is simpleness and easy to extension
  • Education staff should meet the network challenge with an open attitude , while the nation should accelerate the construction of network system , carry out the technical control and legal administration for the internet media , and reinforce humanistic care for the youth
  • We start from the formation mechanism , innovation and adoption , externality , and cooperation efficiency . the study extends further to analyze their competitiveness strength including cost advantage , regional branding , market power , technical control , product differentiation and sustainable innovation . we studied cases in zhejiang and guangdong and categorised them into low cost and innovation two types and named them as " self - sufficient " type and " external assistance " type
用"technical control"造句  
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